Results for 'Otto Muck Sj'

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  1.  37
    Divine Simplicity and the Grammar of God-talk: Comments on Hughes, Tapp, and Schärtl.Otto Muck Sj - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (2):89-104.
    Different opinions about the simplicity of God may be connected with different understandings of how abstract terms are used to name the properties which are affirmed of a being. If these terms are taken to signify parts of that being, this being is not a simple one. Thomas Aquinas, who attributes essence, existence and perfections to God, nevertheless thinks that these are not different parts of God. When essence, existence and perfections are attributed to God, they all denominate the same, (...)
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  2. Divine Simplicity and the Grammar of God-talk: Comments on Hughes, Tapp, and Schärtl.S. J. Otto Muck - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (2):89-104.
    Different opinions about the simplicity of God may be connected with different understandings of how abstract terms are used to name the properties which are affirmed of a being. If these terms are taken to signify parts of that being, this being is not a simple one. Thomas Aquinas, who attributes essence, existence and perfections to God, nevertheless thinks that these are not different parts of God. When essence, existence and perfections are attributed to God, they all denominate the same, (...)
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    Philosophie und Persönliche Weltanschauung - am Beispiel Christlicher Philosophie.Otto Muck - 2004 - Disputatio Philosophica 6 (1):5-23.
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    Die transzendentale Methode in der scholastischen Philosophie der Gegenwart.Otto Muck - 1964 - Innsbruck,: F. Rauch.
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  5. Biologie des Stoffes.Otto Heinrich Muck - 1947 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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    On Metaphysical Possibility – in Classical and Analytic Philosophy.Otto Muck - 2011 - In Christian Kanzian, Winfried Löffler & Josef Quitterer, The Ways Things Are: Studies in Ontology. Ontos. pp. 37-56.
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    Christliche Philosophie.Otto Muck - 1964 - [Kevelaer, Rheinland]: Butzon & Bercker.
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    Fundamentos Filosóficos da Teologia de Karl Rahner.Otto Muck - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (2):369 - 391.
    A teologia de Karl Rahner teve um grande impacto no concílio Vaticano II e no tempo que se Ihe seguiu. Em ordem a compreender-se o seu argumento teológico é importante tomar em conta as suas bases filosóficas, especialmente a sua compreensão do "método transcendental". Neste sentido, opresente artigo começa por prestar atenção à abordagem transcendental de Kant. Em seguida investiga a transformação do método transcendental operada na obra de Joseph Maréchal, o qual fez uso dele em ordem a demonstrar a (...)
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    The Logical Structure of Transcendental Method.Otto Muck - 1969 - International Philosophical Quarterly 9 (3):342-362.
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    Dialog und Wahrheit.Otto Muck - 2006 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 62 (1):245 - 251.
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  11. Eigenschaften Gottes im Licht des Gödelschen Arguments.Otto Muck - 1992 - Theologie Und Philosophie 67 (1):60-85.
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  12. Religiöser Glaube und Gödels ontologischer Gottesbeweis.Otto Muck - 1992 - Theologie Und Philosophie 67 (2):263-267.
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    The transcendental method.Otto Muck - 1968 - [New York]: Herder & Herder.
  14.  12
    Philosophische Gotteslehre.Otto Muck - 1983 - Düsseldorf: Patmos.
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    Sinngestalten: Metaphysik in der Vielfalt menschlichen Fragens : Festschrift für Emerich Coreth.Emerich Coreth & Otto Muck (eds.) - 1989 - Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag.
    Catalogue of an exhibition which addresses contemporary printmaking issues/concerns within a Tasmanian context.
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    Metaphysische Integration: Essays zur Philosophie von Otto Muck.Winfried Löffler (ed.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Otto Muck (*1928) verbindet in seinem Denken analytische Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie mit bleibend gultigen Einsichten der aristotelisch-scholastischen und transzendentalphilosophischen Traditionen. Zentral ist dabei eine integrative Konzeption von Metaphysik: Metaphysik erstellt keine Zusatz- oder Alternativtheorien zu anderen Wissenschaften, sondern expliziert den fundamentalen kategorialen Rahmen, in dem speziellere wissenschaftliche Begrifflichkeiten und Theorieansatze konstituiert werden und ihre Problemlosungsfahigkeit entfalten. Die Essays in diesem Band widmen sich auch Mucks Wahrheitsauffassung, der Rolle von Retorsionsargumenten, seiner Konzeption von wissenschaftlichen und weltanschaulichen Erklarungen sowie theologischen (...)
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    Dialog und System: Otto Muck zum 65. Geburtstag.Winfried Löffler (ed.) - 1997 - Sankt Augustin: Akademia Verlag.
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    Dialog und System. Otto Muck zum 65. Geburtstag. [REVIEW]Wolfgang L. Gombocz - 1999 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 57 (1):369-376.
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    Dialog und System. Otto Muck zum 65. Geburtstag. [REVIEW]Wolfgang L. Gombocz - 1999 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 57 (1):369-376.
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  20. Phänomenologie, Metaphysik, Transzendentale Reflexionen.O. Muck - 1974 - In Karl Rahner, P. Karl Rahner SJ zum 70. Geburtstag am 5. März 1974. Wien: Herder.
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    Ideen Zur Kulturphilosophie.Johann Gottfried Herder & Otto Braun - 1911 - Insel-Verlag.
    Excerpt from Ideen zur Kulturphilosophie Jaerber philofophifche %eanlagung weicht ftarl bon Dem ab, wa man fich gewohnlich Darunter borftellt: er iit weber fpftematifch noch fritifch ftarf begabt. och befa er eben, wa Die auptbebingung fur alle sj)hilofophieren aumacht Da intuitioe efuhl fur Da ictp@ntfprechenbe in Den ingen. %ei feiner gefchichtphilofophifdyen 2lufgabe brachte Der 932angel an %egrifffpftematit auch einen wefentlichen %orteil mit fich: jebe %eftlegung auf ein 9ftem bedeutet eine Flaerengung De %erftanbniffe, einen ogmatimu. 82iemanb warnt einbringlicher al oethe bor Diefem (...)
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  22.  11
    Sinngestalten. Metaphysik in der Vielfalt menschlichen Fragens. Festschrift fur Emerich Coreth, herausgegeben von Otto Muck[REVIEW]Philipp W. Rosemann - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (90):326-330.
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  23.  50
    Mussner, Franz, Praesentia salutis: Gesammelte Studien zu Fragen und Themen des Neuen Testamentes - Schnackenburg, Rudolf, Christliche Existenz nach dem Neuen Testament. Abhandlungen und Vorträge – Kuss, Otto, Auslegung und Verkündigung – Potterle, Ignace de la, SJ - Lyonnet, Stanislas, SJ, La vida según el Espíritu – Peterson, Erik, Tratados teológicos. [REVIEW]J. M. Guirau - 1968 - Augustinianum 8 (1):166-169.
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    Quest for the Absolute: The Philosophical Vision of Joseph Maréchal by Anthony Matteo.Michael Kerlin - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):153-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 153 These objections to one side, one must compliment Anglin on the thoroughness with which he pursues his points. He almost always provides several arguments for the same point. So we get eight arguments for libertarianism, five for how natural evil comports with the existence of a benevolent, all-powerful God, and so on. These arguments carefully avoid the repetitiveness one might expect and rather skillfully succeed in (...)
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  25.  13
    The Ways Things Are: Studies in Ontology.Christian Kanzian, Winfried Löffler & Josef Quitterer (eds.) - 2011 - Ontos.
    This book is a collection of essays in systematic ontology. The parts of its title Things and Ways They Are are indicative of two broadly and intensively discussed issues in current ontology, namely, what categories of entities there are and in what ways they are relevant for our discourses. The three sections of the volume correspond to focuses of ontological research: Before Ontology is dedicated to conceptual, methodological, and meta-ontological issues; Ontology at Work raises general topics of categorial ontology, and (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Annual Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Sandra Costen Kunz & Jonathan A. Seitz - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:193-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Annual Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesSandra Costen Kunz and Jonathan A. SeitzThe Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies (SBCS) is one of more than two dozen scholarly societies that have been formally recognized by the American Academy of Religion as Related Scholarly Organizations. The pattern for many years has been for the SBCS to hold its annual meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting of the AAR. On (...)
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    Nishitani.Taitetsu Unno - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):133-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Contrasting Images of the BuddhaTaitetsu UnnoAll the Christian writers express a deep and sympathetic appreciation for the historical Sakyamuni Buddha, demonstrating some of the positive fruits of interreligious dialogue. But—speaking as a practicing Buddhist—their views appear to be focused on the human face of the Buddha and scant attention is paid to what might be called the numinous. It is this dimension of his enlightenment experience that constitutes his (...)
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  28. Bewusstseins-Phänomenologie des personalen Vedanta.Rudolf Otto - 1929 - Rivista di Filosofia 18:151.
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  29. Kantisch-Fries'sche Religionsphilosophie Und Ihre Anwendung Auf Die Theologie Zur Einleitung in Die Glaubenslehre Für Studenten der Theologie.Rudolf Otto (ed.) - 1909 - J. C. B. Mohr.
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  30. Theocracy and Eschatology.Otto Plöger & S. Rudman - 1968
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  31. Philologiam ad philosophiae principia revocare. La recezione di Vico in Auerbach.Otto Poggeler - 1992 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 22:307-324.
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  32.  6
    Das neuantike Weltbild.Otto Flake - 1922 - Darmstadt,: O. Reichl.
    Excerpt from Das Neuantike Weltbild Philosophie ist und bleibt Theologie, d. H. Sie ist ent; weder Aussage über den grund der Erscheinungen, oder Versuch, ihn durch den sinn zu ersetzen, oder schließlich Verzicht auf die Bemühungen, diese beiden Fundamente des absoluten Weltbildes zu legen. Deso halb ist der Hauptteil meines Buches das Kapitel "vom Grund, vom Sinn. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of (...)
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  33. Moral und Wirtschaft.Berthold Otto - 1931 - Berlin-Lichterfelde,: Verlag des Hauslehrers.
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  34. Problem : The Re-Discovery of the "Topics"; Professor Toulmin's Inference-Warrants.Otto Bird - 1960 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 34:200.
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  35. Problem: The Christian Basis for Marxist Hope.Otto Bird - 1941 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 17:113.
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  36. The idea of justice.Otto A. Bird - 1967 - New York,: F. A. Praeger.
  37. Les tonalités affectives.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1953 - Neuchâtel,: Éditions de la Baconnière.
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  38. Vi[Sch]Nu-Narayana. Puranas & Rudolf Otto - 1917 - Diederichs.
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  39. Is the mind-body interface microscopic?Otto E. Rössler & Reimara Rössler - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (2).
    This paper puts forward the hypothesis that consciousness might be linked to matter in a way which is more sophisticated than the traditional macroscopic Cartesian hypothesis suggests.Advances in the biophysics of the nervous system, not only on the level of its macroscopic functioning but also on the level of individual ion channels, have made the question of how finely consciousness is tied to matter and its dynamics more important. Quantum mechanics limits the attainable resolution and puts into doubt the idea (...)
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    Albert Schweitzers Ethik: ihre Grundlinien in seinem Denken und Leben: mit ausführlichem Literaturverzeichnis.Otto Spear - 1978 - Hamburg: H. Reich.
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    Die wichtigsten philosophischen Fachausdrücke in historischer Anordnung.Otto Willmann & Josef Pascher - 1923 - J. Kösel & F. Pustet.
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    Drei Aufsätze Über den Inneren Konflikt.Otto Groß - 1920 - De Gruyter.
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    Das Sein des Werkes.Otto Groth - 1961 - De Gruyter.
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    From Watt to Clausius: The Rise of Thermodynamics in the Early Industrial AgeD. S. L. Cardwell.Otto Mayr - 1972 - Isis 63 (3):451-452.
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    TechnikgeschichteK. Mauel R. Reith.Otto Mayr - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):311-313.
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    The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria: A Facsimile of the 1851 Woodcroft Edition.Otto Mayr - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):116-116.
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    Die Doppelbedeutung des Wirklichkeitsbegriffs im System Hans Drieschs.Otto Merckens - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6 (1):325-330.
  48. Violenza e bullismo, o della recente inciviltà giovanile: corne affrontarla?Sj Piersandro Vanzan - 2008 - Studium 104 (3):371-384.
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    Kleine Schriften.Otto Stein - 1985
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    (1 other version)Indische Philosphie.Otto Strauss - 1925 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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